Standard Dog Walking Rates

Not what you are looking for?  Check out our Dog-Gone Good Deal Packages for other pricing and scheduling options.

Monday through Friday Mid-day Dog Walking on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

An adventure awaits with a mid-day walk!  Your pup’s senses come alive and their overall well being is optimized.

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Mid-day walks on a set schedule

  • $25

  • 10:30 AM-4 PM

This rate applies to those who need occasional walks throughout a month and set a schedule. We will visit your dog, taking them on a walk that is fun, stimulating, and safe. Mid-day walks are 25 minutes with a few extra minutes to leash and unleash, refresh your dog’s water, and write a note about their outdoor adventure. Walks can be cancelled by 10 AM the morning of service.

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Mid-day solo walks

  • $30

  • 10:30 AM-4 PM

  • 25 minute visit and walk

For those pups who need to be walked alone, they will get a 25 minute visit that includes a walk with a few minutes reserved to leash, refresh your dog’s water, and write a note about their outdoor adventure. Walks can be cancelled by 10 AM the morning of service.

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Mid-day walks unscheduled (as needed)

  • $26

  • 10:30 AM-4 PM

This rate applies to those who need walks here and there with no defined schedule. We will visit your dog, taking them on a walk that is fun, stimulating, and safe. Mid-day walks are 25 minutes with a few extra minutes to leash and unleash, refresh your dog’s water, and write a note about their outdoor adventure. Walks can be cancelled by 10 AM the morning of service.

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Puppy/Geriatric Pee Breaks (puppies up to 9 mos)

  • $40 per day

  • Two 20 minute visits

Congratulations on your new family member! This is the critical time for  house training. To assure your puppy starts out on the right paw, we will visit your puppy twice per day so that their potty training routine is reinforced, and they learn that outdoors is the place to do their business. Visits can be cancelled by 10 AM the morning of service.

Vacation Dog Walking Services



Breakfast walks

  • $28

  • Monday-Friday

  • 8 AM-10:30 AM

  • 25 minute walk

Start the morning off right with a walk and breakfast.


Nightime walks

  • $30

  • Monday - Friday

  • 6 PM-8 PM

  • 25 minute walk

A final walk of the day. Then it's lights out and time for bed.


Dinner walks

  • $28

  • Monday-Friday

  • 4 PM-6 PM

  • 25 minute walk

Dinner is served after the evening walk.


Weekend walks

  • $30

  • Saturday & Sunday

  • 8 AM-8 PM

  • 25 minute walk

Your pups meal will be served after walks, as needed.  

Additional Fees

  • $7-$10 Each additional dog

  • $5 Same day booking or cancellation surcharge (See dog packages for cancellation guidelines).

  • $3-$5 Administration of oral pill pocket or syringe medication.

  • $5-$10 Travel fee for visits off Capitol Hill

  • $10 Holiday surcharge on federal government holidays (see FAQ)

  • $25 House checks to collect the mail, alternate the lights, water plants, etc.

  • $20 Key pick up or drop off

  • $25 Initial client meeting

Not what you are looking for?  Check out our Dog-Gone Good Deal Packages.